Type 5 - The Investigator - The Magician - Dimensional Tarot - Enneagram and Tarot

Type 5 - The Investigator - The Magician - Dimensional Tarot - Enneagram and Tarot Enneagram Investigator Summary Core Traits: The Enneagram Investigator, or Type Five, is characterized by a strong desire to understand and gain knowledge. They are perceptive, analytical, and often introverted. Investigators tend to withdraw to conserve energy and focus on intellectual pursuits, valuing independence and self-sufficiency. Desires: The primary desire of Investigators is to be capable and competent. They seek to understand the world deeply, accumulating knowledge and skills to feel prepared and self-sufficient. Fear: The core fear of Investigators is being overwhelmed by their needs or the demands of others. They fear incompetence and inadequacy, driving them to seek solitude and minimize external influences. Interactions in the World: Investigators interact with the world by observing and analyzing rather than actively participating. They are often seen as reserve...