Type 6 - Loyalist - The Fool Tarot Card - Dimensional Tarot - Enneagram and Tarot

The Loyalist (Type 6) & The Fool Tarot Card Analyzing how the Enneagram Loyalist (Type 6) relates to The Fool tarot card provides insights into their personality elements and interactions in the world. The Fool represents innocence, spontaneity, and embarking on a new journey with optimism and trust. Let's explore how this dynamic intersects with the traits of the Type 6 personality: Type 6 - The Loyalist: Core Desire: Type 6s desire security and support. They seek guidance and reassurance from trusted authorities or systems to feel safe and secure in their environment. Core Fear: They fear being without support or guidance, as well as uncertainty and unforeseen events that could lead to failure or harm. Personality Traits: Type 6s are loyal, responsible, cautious, and seek safety in belonging to a group or following established rules. They are diligent in their duties and often anticipate potential risks or dangers. Interaction in the World: Loyalists engage...